Made for Humans, by Humans
A toolkit for humans to offend other humans so we can passive-aggressively
shame others for not doing the right things. So, you better watch yourself!
shame others for not doing the right things. So, you better watch yourself!

Team: Hua Fan and Janice Chen
A project for "Internet of Things - in Depth" at Carnegie Mellon University in 2018. With the freedom to design and create any type of IoT device, my partner and I chose to create devices that will greatly offend but help humanity stay on the "right" track.
Stay Shushed, Stupid!

Ever want to shut someone up but are too shy or timid to do so? This device will easily shut people up to maintain a quiet working space for all.
First strike, the device will "shhhh" the noise maker, and with each strike, the device's warning will escalate quickly. The device will become a lot sassier and eventually resort to swearing since the offender did not get the severity of the warning.

Drunk DumDum Detector

Don't let your drunk self destroy your normal life. This device will prevent you from being a dumdum when you are intoxicated by actually physically locking your phone!
Blow onto your DDD phone case and the alcohol sensor will determine if you're legally allowed to drive or not. If not, the case will immediately lock your phone until you sober up! Don't drink and drive, dumdums!

The Trash Talk

Humans are generally inconsiderate of the environment and most people do not recycle. We want to yell at humans to be conscious of the trash they throw out in the name of our planet Earth!
When an offender throws recyclable trash into the bin, the Trash Talk will yell at you to shame you publically. If you continue your mistake, the bin will literally flip out and throw your trash back out onto the ground. Learn to dispose of your waste correctly!

One of the early prototypes, testing the use of a linear actuator to tip the trashcan over.

TTT's fritzing diagram

Final Prototype's internal hardware configuration.